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safe custody ISIM YATFINANS

Teknik Kelime Hazinesi

safe custody of securities ISIM MALI PIYASALAR

Teknik Kelime Hazinesi

safe custody services ISIM MALI PIYASALAR

Teknik Kelime Hazinesi

PONS sözlüğünden örnekler (yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmıştır)

safe custody MALIYE

Tek dilli örnekler (PONS yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmamıştır)

He says police took the girl into safe custody then asked the man "to put the bag far from him" and that's what he did.
It will also enable the recording, tracking, and safe custody of such items.
Providing safe custody of their money is a benefit.
Its responsibilities encompass the safe custody, rehabilitation and aftercare of offenders, and preventive education.
However, the register for title deeds showed only 615 titles had been submitted for safe custody.
Right now, the prehistoric tools are in safe custody of the school authorities, officials sources said today.
It also requires the safe custody of the animals for at least few days.
She has penned down his name in a sealed packet left in the safe custody of two of her close confidantes.
The girl was kept in a shelter home in safe custody.
Additional fees may be charged for trading commissions and for the safe custody of client holdings at a third-party financial institution.

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