İngilizce » Almanca

guayanisch kelimesinin çevirisi İngilizce » Almanca sözlüğünde

(Almanca » İngilizce e atla)

İnternetten örnekler (PONS yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmamıştır)

Verschiedene EU-Projekte sollen Unabhängigkeit von der USA fördern

„Wir hatten gefürchtet, dass die Entwicklung der Raumfahrt mit nur einer Startrampe zum Erliegen kommt“, erklärt Jacquy Pierre-Marie, Vizepräsident der guayanischen Industrieund Handelskammer.

Er ist auch für internationale Beziehungen verantwortlich.

The Sentinel-1A, the last one to go into orbit, can see the Earth day and night, regardless of clouds, providing alerts of extreme weather as well as security issues.

“We used to fear that with a single launcher, space development could come to an end,” said Jacquy Pierre-Marie, vice-president of Guiana’s chamber of industry and commerce, in charge of international relations.

“Today, we can be much more optimistic as we now have three different launchers.”

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