İngilizce » Almanca

afoul kelimesinin çevirisi İngilizce » Almanca sözlüğünde

(Almanca » İngilizce e atla)

afoul ZARF

Kullanıcı sözlük maddesi
to run afoul of sth Amerİng

Tek dilli örnekler (PONS yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmamıştır)

Not surprisingly, he ran afoul of the authorities in 1936 and began writing in a more conservative idiom in order to avoid charges of formalism.
However, the work ran afoul of the new censorship law and was not distributed, much of the edition eventually being destroyed.
Only one side of the note is printed to resemble currency so as not to run afoul of counterfeiting laws.
His actions during this time often caused him to run afoul of both ecclesiastical and civil authorities.
In the process, they run afoul a pirate ship and are taken prisoners.
Trouble follows as they run afoul of the local mob boss.
Apparently, in his view, this practice does not run afoul of the representations he has made to date regarding the disentanglement of his business and official functions.
He sometimes falls afoul of the strict rules, in which lying is a serious offense, punishable by solitary confinement.
Typically, the young lady who is the love interest runs afoul of the evil ruler.
Historically, the concept of third-party funding ran afoul of the common law doctrines of maintenance and champerty.

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