İngilizce » Almanca

clerical staff kelimesinin çevirisi İngilizce » Almanca sözlüğünde

(Almanca » İngilizce e atla)

ˈcleri·cal staff ISIM + tekil/pl fiil

Tek dilli örnekler (PONS yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmamıştır)

This section was mostly staffed by clerical staff employed by the police, however they were not members of the police force.
Instead, these medical adjudicators had been classified as administrative/clerical staff.
Groups of experts on divers topics rounded out much of the remainder of the personnel in the room, along with translators and clerical staff.
From clerical staff to higher offices and administrator, all are involved in corruption of one kind or the other.
The department also has five undersheriffs, one per borough, approximately 150 deputy sheriffs, and non-sworn clerical staff.
Rates for private administrative and clerical staff were $62 to $88 per hour; their public equivalents typically cost from $20.67 to $32.02 per hour.
Programmers in the 1960s were often clerical staff and were predominantly female.
In 1967 the main hall was extended to accommodate the increased number staff, and an extension was made in 1996 to create offices for the administration and clerical staff.
Officers and clerical staff have since been added to the department.
Advancement beyond a loan officer position usually includes supervising other loan officers and clerical staff.

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