İngilizce » Almanca

share transaction kelimesinin çevirisi İngilizce » Almanca sözlüğünde

(Almanca » İngilizce e atla)

share transaction ISIM MALI PIYASALAR

Teknik Kelime Hazinesi

share forward transaction ISIM MALI PIYASALAR

Teknik Kelime Hazinesi

İnternetten örnekler (PONS yazı işleri tarafından onaylanmamıştır)

Last update 09 January 2014

The share transactions by executives of the Vienna Insurance Group that are subject to reporting in accordance with Rule 73 of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance (cf. § 48d paragraph 4 Austrian Stock Exchange Act) are available on the website of the Austrian Financial Markets Supervisory Authority at the following link:

FMA - Directors' Dealings In the following table we show the respective transactions of the Members of the Managing Board of Vienna Insurance Group:

09. Jänner 2014

Die gemäß Regel 73 Österreichischer Corporate Governance Kodex (vgl. auch § 48d Abs 4 BörseG) meldepflichtigen Aktientransaktionen der Führungskräfte der Vienna Insurance Group finden Sie auf der Website der Finanzmarktaufsicht unter folgendem Link:

FMA Directors' Dealings-Meldungen Die entsprechenden Transaktionen des Managements der Vienna Insurance Group werden in folgender Tabelle zur Verfügung gestellt:

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